Become a NGA Sponsor today to help shape the future of our students and Greensboro.
As a NGA sponsor, you'll be able to show our community your commitment to the future of Greensboro... our children. Sponsorship plays a vital role in the health and long term vision of providing our students with an exceptional, world-class, 21st century education- otherwise unobtainable to those we serve.
How can you help? Here are just a few ideas:
Sponsor EVENTS
NGA's unique initiatives and events are always in need of private, small business and corporate sponsorships. Throughout the year, NGA hosts a number community outreach events, such as our WozEd S.T.E.M. showcases, enrichment activities such as field trips to remarkable places and guest speakers to inspire our students... and more. These events allow our sponsors 'shine' in their support for NGA through financial sponsorships or in-kind support, while helping off-set the costs associated with these events.
NGA is ALWAYS in search of game changing technology, specialized teaching tools (such as our WozEd curriculum and LU interactive learning system), transportation, facility expansion/upgrades, parent education and communication tools -to name a few. Sponsoring a project at NGA (through financial help or in-kind offerings) has a profound impact on the school's ability to provide our student's with exceptional learning conditions and services.
Share your EXPERTISE
You or your business/organization may offer something of great value to our students' education at NGA. Work with our leadership team to develop an enrichment program, education series, or service that otherwise would not be obtainable to our students, families or organization. This type of sponsorship (while not necessarily financial) can be of great value. Contact our leadership for this type of sponsorship opportunity.
Start Here: Send us a Sponsorship Request